
Verdict on The Eyre Affair

I just finished The Eyre Affair and I thought it was quite good. It was a cute story with a quirky reality. In fact, the alternative present is what I enjoyed most about this book. It was a quick and entertaining read, but I never felt as though I really got into the story. Unlike the characters in the story, I never felt myself pulled fully into the narrative; rather, I maintained a surface relationship with the characters and their story. Nonetheless, it was still an enjoyable story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished the 2nd in the series (Lost in a Good Book). More of the same, entertaining enough. Less of the alternate-England stuff, more of the jumping-into-books stuff. There are various amusing vignettes and what plot there is gets explained and tied up quickly towards the end (I feel similarly about Harry Potter books- sacrilege!). The cutesy names are still annoying. File under "lazy summer weekend reading". I probably will read the other 2 just to see how things turn out- but I may look for them used!

12:21 PM  
Blogger claire said...

I think I'll check them out after I read Harry Potter (!!!!) this weekend. Don't forget to use the library, the cheapest path to good, quick-read books!!

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Library, eh? I made good use of it when making my way through the 20 books of O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin (i.e. Master and Commander) series last summer- highly recommended. Of course, I liked them so much that I went and bought the box set anyway.

BTW, see if you can get your lazy husband to figure out a way that I can syndicate your blog entries on my Livejournal friends page!

12:14 PM  
Blogger claire said...

i think you can pull down the feeds. i don't quite remember how to do that, but this is the site feed url:

8:16 AM  
Blogger claire said...

And, if you were wondering, the site feed url for my regular blog is:

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks- as far as I can tell, I think I would need to actually pay for my LJ account to be able to add your feeds to my friends list. I guess I could pony up $5 and create the syndication feed on LJ, then let my paid account expire...

BTW, I didn't mean to imply that you couldn't figure out the feed thing yourself- I just like taking digs at your lazy husband. :)

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awright, what's going on around here?! Get back to work!

12:09 PM  

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