
I Took the Moon for a Walk

I have been very impressed with all of the children's books published by Barefoot Books, an an independent children’s publisher started in England. I Took the Moon for a Walk by Carolyn Curtis, from March of this year, is one of my favorites. It is about a little boy who goes out walking with the moon. It starts:

I took the Moon for a walk last night.
It followed behind like a still summer kite,
Though there wasn't a string or a tail in sight
when I took the Moon for a walk

The text is gentle and lovely, and the illustrations beautiful. The book vividly reminds me of childhood rides in the car at night, and my own wonder and facination with how the moon could travel along with us. The book successfully captures the absolute delight in the natural world all children feel. If only more people would encourage these explorations in the children they know.

Age suggestions:
Read Alone: 6-8
Read Together: 3-5


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